Story has become extremely important to me over the last year and a half. I believe it started when my work (photographing families) became less of what it was that I loved about it in the first place. I wanted the images I create to represent the love and promise
thriving | Costa Rica Day 4
This, the last day of our work here in Costa Rica, was an amazing day. We played soccer, held another clinic, met new friends, and helped give a community clear fresh water. Amazing. From the coastal hotel where we stayed, we ventured up into the mountains of the Talamanca region.
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Reflecting | Costa Rica (personal entry)
I never knew that one could fall in love in a week. My line of thought has always been that love grows and takes time. It’s not the case. I’m so blessed to have had the opportunity to document this trip, this place, these people. As someone who sat on
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sustaining | Costa Rica Day 3
I apologize for the sudden departure and lack of updates from our trip. As it turns out, on Day 3, we left the San Jose area and ventured towards the Caribbean Coast. The hotel we stayed at lacked internet service. In all honesty, I am thankful for that. It allowed
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